Sunday, May 11, 2008

The End

I Am Home
So, it has come to the end of my blog. Perhaps I will start another, if I have lots of new adventures. The flickr photos will likely continue to get updates now and then. But the walkabout is truly over now. And to my great surprise, it is a happy ending. I truly felt when I left Colorado last October that this was all that was left, a wandering, homeless soul, for the rest of my days - no more happy endings for me.

But I guess I was not quite done yet, and maybe there is something else in store for me on this very unpredictable path. Thanks to all for reading and your comments, it was nice to have them to look forward to, and I often felt motivation and purpose in my actions, because I wanted to share them here. For a while, you can find me in Camas, WA, working at LightFleet Corporation. Please do stop by and stay awhile if you find yourself nearby.

Now then, as for that unpredictable path: Out here, there is a lot of forest and often is cloudy, but right now, I'm standing on the rocks on the bank of the stream, and I see a break in the trees down past that cascade. It looks like maybe a sunny clearing where the path becomes grassy and flat, and there could be some ripe blackberries on the side. Yeah, that looks good - let's see what's over there...


Cambodave said...

I know you will let us know if a new blog starts! I am going to miss reading about your adventures, but it puts a smile on my face knowing you are starting the next leg of life in beautiful WA! We'll be in touch :)

Jennie said...

I'm glad you're chin is up, that you're looking forward to whatever next adventures come your way. One thing I'm figuring out...the whole thing can be an adventure. You never know what's going to be around the next bend. I hope the next stretch of path is flat and smooth and green and filled with lots of yummies!

David&Esperanza said...

Thanks for all the adventures and most importantly for the good ending or rather the good beginning or even more correctly for the good you are!