Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Final Push

Whoooeee - we made it! Landfall into a temporary residence hotel May, 3. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful, just several long days of driving.

There were a few surprises, like stopping to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in downtown Boise, ID, where blocks away, we saw a bar having a "No pants day", complete with three pant-less coeds out front yelling at people to come in. I found it pretty interesting that in ID, liquor seemed to be pretty ubiquitous, in contrast to the scene in neighboring Utah...

The weather was great most of the way, and I got a great look at Multnomah Falls from the highway. It was pretty much straight to work once I got here, but all has fallen into place. I have rented a townhouse within biking distance to work, the scenery is beautiful, and I'm ready to start the next chapter...

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