Saturday, March 1, 2008

A good day in Colorado

It was a good day to be in Colorado. Sunny, 70 degrees, all around beautiful! I got my new tenants checked in, my good neighbors agreed to lease the pasture, I took a hike, a bike ride, and the cool panorama you see above. Don't be jealous - tomorrow's high is 35, with snow and wind most of the day. Almost done here - leaving for MO and DC Monday or Tuesday!

I'd tell the story of the last minute countertop and sink install, but it's not that great - suffice to say, it went about par for the course. A couple unexpected turns involving the plumbing (it's ALWAYS the plumbing!), but I finished it just in time.
Rabbit MountainClouds and treesMountainsHDR


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!

See you soon!

Unknown said...

wow. awesome pics. I especially like the temp plot on the following day!!