Wednesday, February 27, 2008

And now, for my next magical trick...

Hooray! I found the rabbit! I was reaching down into that hat for a long time, and the audience was looking skeptical, when I finally found those ears and yanked it out! All of which means I found renters for my house! Lease signed this evening. It's all not quiiiite done yet, as I still have to cash the verified check and install the new countertops (which also got done today), but I'm very close now. Almost bubblegum time...

What's the next magical trick? Why, to earn a highly competitive fellowship position in Washington, DC, of course...

Thanks for all the good luck vibes from you guys out there! It seems it might be working....


Nathan Bouldin and Tina Sanchez said...

Not to jinx anything, but... Congratulations!! Hears hoping it's a long, mutually-beneficial relationship!!!

Nathan & Tina

Aaron said...

Mike, if you land that job in DC does that mean that I also have to get a job in DC in order to make the mass exodus complete? Congrats on finding renters, it took me 5 months!!! If you need a letter of recommendation or reference, I write good ones, just ask Richard...


Daniel Hartmann & Andrea Rogers said...

So...I was minding my own business, just sitting there, when all of a sudden this giant hand reached down and grabbed hold of my ears! Whipped me out of that cozy little hat I'd found, and lifted me high in the air! What the hell is up with that? I'd better get a carrot out of this deal.

Anonymous said...

It's been a nice escape to be able to travel across the country "with you" (virtually) over these past few months.

Here's to more tales of grand adventures coming our way out of DC.

Don't forget to venture out to Casa Fritscher sometime soon. We have our own mountains now after nearly 60+ inches of snow this winter. 4 more coming tonight.