I thought I'd write a big introduction blog, but now that the time has arrived, I don't much feel like it. This, dear reader, is all you need to know:
I'm have sold, given away, or otherwise dispositioned most of my material possessions. I've kept a basic set of clothes, camping gear, tools, a bike, and the laptop I've writing this blog with. All is loaded into a pickup truck with a bed topper. I leave today from Longmont, CO, heading east. I've a couple stops planned out, but no real itinerary. I will live as basically as possible, and see as much as I can while I still have the energy and health to do it. I hope I find some incredible stories and places, and can share them with you here. So here goes nothing - Let's see what's out there....
Don't sleep in remote post office parking lots. You will be rousted by the Po Po at 4 in the morning.
Do eat some Waffle House for me at least once or twice.
Take piktchas too!
Hey man...drive safely. We're really looking forward to seeing you when you get to these parts. Bojangles awaits...
What's up with the chain comfort food thing that's been established by your commenting public? Hmmmm. Reminds me of how hard it was to get good fruits and vegetables when I was on tour. Stop at the Wild Oats or Whole Foods WHENEVER you see one, cuz dey few and far between. And walk out with some sugar snap peas in a box and a crazy fragrant white apple with red cheeks like in a Grimm's fairytale.
Papa smurf is the name of your truck?
That's funny, because my comment was going to involve the importance of fruits and vegetables. All the best!
Papa Smurf is a fitting name if you ask me. The maroon topper is also an excellent touch!
Michael, we'll be following your adventures closely my friend :)
We'll dive in your honor during RBall!!
Godspeed young grasshopper. You always have a place to stay in SD!
Hey GodBro,
You probably don't even read these comments anymore, but on the off chance that you still get notifications from blogger about comments, I'd like to remind you that this post was a little over 1.1*Pi years ago.
Speaking as manly-ly as possible on this I'd like to ask you if you're almost at d*Pi or needing a 2Pi because you're more of a radial not diametric being. Ok enough technobable... have you come full circle yet? Are you halfway there? Are you ready to take a look at the past three years post-hellBitch, I mean her?
If so I hope you recognize that you have your people out on the East Coast but also you have your people out here, your engineering and surfing SoulMother. Yes, I am indeed lobbying for some more Sancho time out on the Left Coast, perhapsly permanent. It is your AlmaMater and the home of your BestMan, GodDaughter, sister and the affordable flight to that paradise of your brother's.
Why tell you this now? Well, I'm dragging you out to CincoDeFrigginMayo2011 even if I have to pay your way. And I'm not going to hide the fact that I will be pulling out all the stops. Yes Heather best be comin' along or perhaps taking regard of what she really expects of you in the way of commitment and the long run.
I'm all for Heather and you and Heather and even maybe you and Heather living somewhere other than where lives your very needy GodDaughter. But I personally'd hate to see you not be a father. In the least I'd like to have you out raising your GodDaughter, that's why I twisted our ear into being her GodFather.
At the most, and forget about the life partners I would love to push at you, I know so many people and youth out here who would benefit from the presence of a man such as yourself.
Yeah this is a lot to say and even more for you to read... God I hope you're alone and not blushing too much. But in a nutshell I just wanted to point out before you get dragged out to the beach and then the Eastern Sierras for the week to cap the last 5 years... Before I do this to you, I want you to know that I think you have come full circle.
In fact, you're at 1.1Pi so methinks now a good time to recognize that circle... maybe even reopen this blog. In any case, I'm here for ya bro. And there are two things I hope your click to whenever you get this message:
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