Friday, April 11, 2008

The End (technically)

So, technically, I have to say that my Walkabout is over. On a walkabout, one leaves one's home to wander aimlessly(?) and in solitude. I no longer satisfy either of those conditions. Two things have happened:

For one, I heard back from LightFleet, and they offered me the job! Furthermore, I accepted! So, as of May 12, I will be the new Senior Optical Design engineer at LightFleet, in Camas, WA. This means I have a new job, a new home, as well as a definite direction and schedule to my travels now. That takes care of the first condition.

The other thing that has happened this week, well, it's been developing for a while, but the first event above has really brought it home - is that I have a girlfriend! Long story short Heather makes me smile. We enjoy each other's company enough that she has agreed to be a travel companion for the big trip to the Portland area. So, I'm no longer alone on my trip, either.

I'll keep posting blog entries here, even thought the title doesn't fit so well anymore, as I expect to have some good stories to tell. 4000 miles and 4 (or more) national parks to go!


Aaron said...

congrats on both accounts. Glad to see you are happy and now gainfully employed!

Cambodave said...

Congrats on both items dude! You deserve both! I'll be interested to see how your new job compares to Ball...
Got your postcard too :)
Also, rball is fast on a normal court!

Unknown said...

oh la la

Daniel Hartmann & Andrea Rogers said...

Congratulations on the traveling companion! :) Sorry about the job. :( Enjoy your last month of unemployment - and remember that Boston is a short flight from anywhere. least a direct flight. :)