Friday, January 18, 2008

A lost week

Hello out there? What's going on with everybody? Lemme know how you are spending the three-day weekend, eh? It's been a pretty quiet week. I've been doing not much of anything, as I've been going to work, and trying not to be sick the rest of the time. A pesky, nagging cold fought back last Monday or so, and I've been trying to get over it all week. I think I'm on the upswing again, though. So, all-in-all, I think this has been one of my most boring weeks yet on my trip. The two-a-week soccer games fell through, since one was rained out, and another a scheduling conflict got us booted off the field. :(

I'm getting the hang of New Orleans, though. It really is not that big - smaller than I thought it was. Smaller than San Diego. Hopefully I'll be up to a lot this weekend. Aquarium, zoo, soccer, ultimate frisbee, a day at a state park, maybe some fishing... I went to a NO Hornets basketball game tonight. It was disappointing - college ball is much better, except possibly, for the cheerleaders. It's too bad the Bobcats got blown-out. I wanted them to take the Hornets down a peg for leaving Charlotte several years ago.

It's rainy and dreary out -I think I will pack it in early one more night, do some reading (Wow, that's a novel thought!) and figure out the rest tomorrow....


Daniel Hartmann & Andrea Rogers said...

Hey dude! (AKA: Yankee Carpetbagger). :)

Andrea's up visiting me for the weekend in Boston, home of all Yankee Carpetbaggers. We went into downtown yesterday - a great city, and lots of stuff to do! Now we're having a mellow day and hangin' out with some friends in the area.

How's the job and the new digs? Glad the cheerleaders at the game made up for the bad play. :)

Cambodave said...

Hey dude, I have been under the weather for a week like you. Worked out yesterday - BAD MISTAKE. On the bright side, I found out Jack-in-the-Box is here in CO again, and I'm going today!! It looks like Marta got into her first grad school, and she and Hobbit are about to celebrate birthdays.

TOUGH day yesterday for us in college bball...we'll get them.

David&Esperanza said...

Thanks for the blog! More dependable than the cell phone and even after an undertheweather week an interesting/comforting read.

Hope the sunny weather of Sunday continues for you. Today we get above freezing...not so for the rest of the week.

Will use the secure address first thing Tuesday.

Aaron said...

Boy am I behind times with the NBA; the Hornets are in NO? Is Michael Jordan still playing for the Bulls?

I think that there is an epidemic sweeping the nation as everyone at my house is sick also.

How are the Mardi Gras preparations going, only 14 days left and counting. I am expecting to hear plenty about drinking, female conquests, drinking, crazy people, drunken brawls, drunk tank, and new friends that you made in prison.

Sancho said...

Well Aaron, I did meet a very friendly fellow in a bar a couple days back (while watching the terrible Maryland/UNC game) who got to telling me about his stint as a prison guard, his stint in prison, and how he'd been shot twice and stabbed three times...

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,
Looks like your settling in ok in New Orleans. Did you get to ride in that 57 Chevy convertible in Florida? We hope your doing well and that you enjoy your time in New Orleans.
Talk to you soon,
Fern and Jeff

Nathan Bouldin and Tina Sanchez said...

Those cheerleaders are not only cute, but have some fierce motivation in their pics! (Motivation...for what?) I love the diversity in their squad...
