Monday, December 24, 2007

Dos dias en los Cayos

After getting out of the Everglades, I bounced into a car with my parents, sister, bro-in-law and two cousins to head to the Florida Keys for a couple days. There, we met up with another Columbian cousin that I have not seen for 14 years! It was a good couple days.

The highlight for me was going snorkeling. The snorkeling itself was not all that great, since it turned a bit cloudy and the water was very choppy. Thus the reef was a little dim and the swimming was a bit difficult. I think the most gratifyng thing to me was simply that I made it. Fifteen or twenty years ago, my family was in Key West, and we went on a snorkeling trip. I got very seasick, but eventually mustered the energy to get in the water, but then chickened out at swimming across the blackness to the reef by myself. Thus, gratifying that this time around, everything went much better.

The boat was pretty neat also. We were on a 30-40ft catamaran, and around sunset, they cut the motor and actually sailed the thing for a while. I like the cruisy, easy feeling of a sailboat, so I really enjoyed that part.

The Keys are not quite what I remember. There are not as many beaches as I recall, the water is absolutely flat. Like a pool out there on both sides. I think if I came back here, it would be fun to bike the 100 miles from Florida to Key West. Or sail it - I did not see that many sailboats out there, but it seems like a great place for it.

Update: A couple pictures of the sunset at sea...


Jennie said...

I'm glad you were able to go snorkeling and take care of that 15 year old monkey on your shoulder. :) Did you get any pictures of that?

David&Esperanza said...

It was great to spend a couple of days with you on the Keys. Key West is a special, especially relaxed place with great sea food! Crashing at the resort on Key Largo was also welcomed after such an eventful day.

Anonymous said...

Did you have any key lime pie or see a Hemingway cat or Key West chicken? Isn't it strange how the keys have all these oddities associated with them?

The everglades photos are great! But what's with the Toyota? Where's the truck?